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The holiday season is in the air which means 2024 is right around the corner. Today for day 4 of Blogmas I’ll be sharing my wishlist with everyone. I’ve broken it down into two sections, one for personal things and another for the aspiring content creator in me. Next year I want to do a lot of things including becoming a part-time, if not full-time blogger and getting back into making YouTube videos just to name a few.


  • Sewing kit: Sewing is a hobby that I would love to try to pick up. I did it back when I was in middle school and fell in love with it, however, I haven’t done it since. While I could put a sewing machine on my list, a swewring kit sounds more fitting for me, in my opinion. Creating with a machine is one thing but creating by hand sounds like a better feeling.
  • thread it beauty makeup: Thread it beauty is a slightly brand new makeup brand that’s black-owned, female-founded, and cruelty free. The products are avaliable on both it’s website and at Target only. What I love most about the brand is that it’s inclusive to all humans and the products are only $8.
  • Makeup mirror: To not have to look into the bathroom mirror and be able to do my makeup anywhere in the apartment. I get tired of not being able to sit down and focus completely on my makeup without any hassle or distractions.
  • Rabbit accessories and toys: It’s only right that I include something for my rabbit, Thumper on my wishlist. While I could opt out of doing so I didn’t want to do that. A nice and good harness for Thumper to take him outside and ensure that he doesn’t run away while out would be the best thing for him to have. Also, while he doesn’t play with toys a lot he does love it when he gets new toys. He might tear it up after a while but that’s a different story.
  • Gameboy heat-changing mug: I’m not much of a mug person because I don’t drink coffee or tea. However, as a person born and the 90s that had a Gameboy, it’s all about the nostalgia for me. I’d use the heating mug for when I make myself some hot chocolate with marshmellows. That or to take pictures with.
  • Pretty Little Thing clothes and accessories: Cute clothes and accessories. Pretty Little Thing is one of the few places that I love and enjoy buying clothes from every chance that I can get. It’s one of my top favorite place to shop because they have clothes for everything you could imagine. The site itself breaks down clothes into categories such as date night, going out, vacation and the list goes on. The only thing is that, I’m starting to feel uncomfortable with wearing denim jeans.

As A Content Creator

  • Journals/Notebooks: It only felt right to start with journals and notebooks. It’s always amazing to have a few journals and notebooks on hand. There are many uses for them from writing down ideas to what you need to buy on your next trip to the grocery store. Personally speaking, I enjoy having several and having them each be for specific things. I own more than I probably should that I haven’t written in yet but in my opinion, one can never have too many.
  • Planners: Next, are planners. Planners help jot down and remember what you have to do day by day. It would be a lie if I were to say that I’ve used my planner to its full potential this year when I didn’t. I tried to but fell through the cracks. Digital planners are okay and look nice to have but in my opinion, having a physical planner is much better.

    When it came to buying a planner, I opted to buy an undated calendar so in case I forgot a month or a few months I wouldn’t have a huge space. Plus, I enjoy writing dates down myself. My recommendations with planners include GoGirl weekly planners and Clever Fox weekly and monthly planners. While those are my recommendations, I have heard a lot of good things about Erin Condren planners.
  • DSLR camera: I have a ring light and it works well, don’t get me wrong. However, to have a ring light with a tripod would be amazing. The one I have is specifically made for a desk but I would love one I could stand on the floor and let out like that. I would also like for it to have a remote so I don’t have to continuously get up to take pictures or videos.
  • Ring light with a tripod: I have a ring light and it works well, don’t get me wrong. However, to have a ring light with a tripod would be amazing. The one I have is specifically made for a desk but I would love one I could stand on the floor and let out like that. I would also like for it to have a remote so I don’t have to continuously get up to take pictures or videos.
  • Stock photo subscription: A stock photo subscription would be amazing for any blogger out there. There are so many free stock photos out there that get reused over and over by numerous people. Don’t get me wrong, they’re nice to look at just like any stock photos. However, having a subscription to a stock photo website is just as good as you can ensure that not that many people use it on their blogs or social media.

    As of right now, my favorite stock photo subscription is CreateHER Stock because it caters to stock photos of melanated, black people. There are lots of other sites including Haute Stock, and Styled Stock Society.
  • LGBTQIA+ books: LGBTQIA+ books are on my wishlist but not just any. When I’m speaking about LGBTQIA+ books for this, I’m talking about educational books. I love and enjoy reading and educating myself about any and everything that I’m interested in or something that’s personally about me. As an aspiring content creator, the LGBTQIA+ community is one thing that I would love to talk about. I know a lot about the community, different orientations, and everything in between. However, in my opinion, it doesn’t hurt to learn more.

There y’all go. These are the items that are a part of my content creator wishlists. There might be some things that I’m forgetting but this is all for now. What’s on any of your wishlists currently? Make sure to check out yesterday’s Blogmas post and come back tomorrow for a new one.


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