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It’s Aries season and my birthday week. Speaking of birthdays, two years ago I decided that I wanted to do a photoshoot for my 30th birthday. I thought that it would be something cool and fun to do since I would be entering my 30s. 

If I’m being honest, doing a photoshoot was something that I never thought I would end up doing ever again. The last time I did a photoshoot was when I was in high school and I had to take senior photos. The thought of doing it to mark getting ready to enter another decade in my life made me nervous. I had no idea what to expect from it and the thought wasn’t fun.

30th birthday photoshoot featuring a crown, a melanin shirt, and a pair of shorts.

It wasn’t hard to figure out what photographer I wanted to go with. I booked my photoshoot with DO Photography because out of all that I looked into, I enjoyed her work. It was that and that a part of me wanted to see what a photo shoot with her would be like. The reason is that she has a modeling platform that I wanted to look into. That’s neither here nor there. I also booked an appointment to get my makeup done. I chose to go with someone I graduated from high school with to do that for me. 

It was a bit hard figuring out everything I wanted for my photoshoot. Out of three outfits I wanted, two were stuff I already owned but had never worn. As for my third outfit, I bought a dress from Fashion Nova. In addition to the dress, I bought balloons and a crown.

The photoshoot was my turn to shine and something that was all about me. I won’t lie and say that my photoshoot went great. It was decent in my eyes. I say that because I was feeling a mixture of nervousness and awkwardness. One could blame how the photographer and I weren’t the only ones there. A group of people was also there, and all I could do was feel as if some of them were judging me. They might’ve not been looking my way, but it felt like they were.

I felt like a turtle out of its shell. Everything that I pinned on Pinterest about poses went out the window. I had to get help so many times. I had no idea what poses I should do. There had been a few to my mind, but I second-guessed doing them. All in all, the photographer was very helpful and patient with me at the same time. That was something that made me feel some comfort if I didn’t feel confident about what was going on.

When it was time to pick between the pictures that I want to get edited, it was exciting. I had to choose between ten pictures of my choice while any additional pictures cost more money. There were about 200 photos in total. Needless to say, narrowing it down to only ten was hard to do. Finally, after two hours I settled on thirty-two pictures.

Recently I made it a goal that I will try to do a birthday photoshoot every two years. In fact, I recently did a photoshoot for my 32nd birthday and had a really good time doing it at that. I didn’t go with the same photographer that I did the last time but with Kita Bryant, a blogger that I’ve been following for a few years now.

Would I recommend that others do a birthday photoshoot? 10/10 I would. It’s something that’s fun to do and gives you something to look back on in future years. I would also recommend not being like my first time and try practicing the poses that you want to do beforehand.


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